District Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador


Welcome to the District Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador Website

On behalf of the 11 Lodges and 450 members across Newfoundland and Labrador and our thousands of members in Scotland and around the world Welcome to our webpage. As part of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland we are Freemasons with Lodges and members from North America to Australia.  Our District Grand Lodge was formed in 1868.

If you are looking for information about Freemasonry in general please feel free to have a look around or if you are already a member and wish to know about Lodges and where they meet some information is contained here.  There is a little something for everyone.

Also if you would like to see some current events of our District Grand Lodge visit us on Facebook.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at dgs.scnl@bellaliant.net if there is anything we can be of assistance.

District Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador

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